One of the reasons I started this blog, besides the obvious, as a way to connect with family and friends without having to write long newsy letters to each. (which depending on my Fibromyalgia can be either a delight or a total bummer.) was to keep my fibrofog mind chugging along and firing on all burners and not get stagnant and lapse into Part Timers disease.
To that end - when I am having my good days - I try to keep busy and trying new and different things. I was always a crafter - but never felt like I was doing anything artistic.
When I was real young I used to doodle all the time and the good nuns approached my parents that I should be given art training - my Dad went ballistic and told her I need to learn things that would help me to earn a living - not a hobby; when he came home from that particular parent teacher meeting he informed me that I was not to waste my time drawing pictures - I needed to study the real important stuff like Math and Science. After that, Art classes in grade school and high school were always a disaster for me. I guess I just wouldn't let my brain wrap itself around the serendipity of the task. So now 50+ odd years later I am finding relaxation in that very subject I avoided - while I learned all the facts I needed to be a good efficient Nurse.
So Thanks to my friend Dana over at Sinderella's Studio, I found a new blog that offers challenges to work on It's called Friday Foto Collage. The Parameters of her challenge is that you had to use a page from a magazine as a background and a picture of your choice .
Finding a magazine around our house is a bit of a challenge in itself. I never let frivolity enter into my reading habits either. If it isn't a cross stitch magazine or a craft magazine - it never comes home with me. So I had to turn to my old issues of Victoria Magazine to look for a picture or too.
Anything I found had to be photocopied - because I would rather cut off my arm than cut anything out of my Victoria collection.
So here is what I came up with:
A Serta Mattress add which was in the August 1999 Victoria
An add for Sweet Romance Jewelry( I forgot to write down what issue this came out of & I refuse to go back and look now.)
A floral postcard that was given as free to use by the graphics fairy
A clip art figure which came from a CD of Clip Art, which I purchased called Witches & Wizards.
On the picture it reads copyright 1995 by Nami Sasaki All Rights Reserved ( Not sure how all that copyright stuff works when they put all this stuff on a CD for use in your home computer.)
Collage is an art form I never felt comfortable with - something kids did in kindergarten with safety scissors & paste. So It takes me a while to do all these pieces I show you. I like things feminine and romantic so when I decide what to do it has to have those traits. Probably not the way everyone else goes about it - but hey I’m trying.
And this is what I came up with:
The add itself had the words, Never, Never, Stop Dreaming - that sounded like a good enough title to me.
What do you think?
So very clever!!!
And I think it is pretty!!!
Thanks for playing!!!
I will post your picture for the challenge and link to your blog!!!
thanks for playing!
That is absolutelu stunning~!!! I wish I could do stuff like that! I'm crafty with flowers and stuff of that nature, but not like that! beautiful!
Girl - you are stepping out and I LOVE IT. Your piece that won my challenge and this collage are great! Continue to break those bindings of negativity passed to you as a child! YOU ARE AN ARTIST!!!
That is so cool, you sure do have a talent!
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