Hello everyone,
Its been cold and raining for the last two days - what better incentive is there to stay in the craft room in front of my heater? None. So that is what I did.
I had not participated in a challenge over at "Mind Wide Open" in over two months and my muse was kicking me in the posterior to get myself back in gear. So above you see the picture Gail gave us for the challenge.
Oh! my, I said to my muse - it's green - so very green (and I really don't like green) and it has a bee not a person - I don't think I can do this. Sure you can she said - just think about it a bit - then get busy it has to be in by midnight tomorrow. Yea sure!, I said; you got all the talent and all I got is a brain full of fog, right now. Think, she whispered till her voice faded out completely; and she left me siting at my computer without a clue.
Well I knew she would never give me a moments rest if I didn't think on this, so there I sat - I had never done a challenge that had something other than a person (usually pretty girls) so what, could I do with this. I knew I was not a fan of all that green so the first thing I did was bring that picture into my photo software and soften that vast expanse of green. I played around and played around till I finally got a picture I could look at without cringing.
With that printed I sat sat my desk and played with my ephemera till I found a few pieces that seemed to work with the piece . I painted a terra cotta background and then cut it into the shape of a hexagon -the shape of the honeycombs. Then using a pallet that included wheat or maize and brown with the green and terra cotta I came up with this

Well. What do you think?
Since Gail gave no word prompt with this picture - I made my own - "Flight."
The idea being that the bumblebee according to aerodynamics because of his size in relation to the size of his wings should not be able to fly - but no one ever told him - so he flys anyway.
A lesson to myself maybe that I need not concern myself with what others say of me or my projects, and just do what is in my heart.
So today I sent my project off to Gail - tomorrow she will post all the participants and the voting will start. If you have a few minutes why not drop over and visit Gail's Blog tomorrow. And cast a vote for your favorite piece.
Mind Wide Open - visit it tomorrow.
Hope you all are tucked in and warm; enjoying the pleasures of autumn.