In case you cant read it this it what is written across the photograph:
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem to lightly:
It is dearness only that gives everything its value.
Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its
goods, and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial
an article as Freedom should not be highly rated...
Thomas Paine
Fourth of July
By Betty W. Staffel
Let there be prayers as well as great parades,
Let hymns combine with patriotic songs,
Let there be leaders of the future days,
With heroes of the past amid the throngs.
Let reverent silence punctuate the noise,
Let God be praised for this great land of ours,
Let sober meditation balance joys
And grave humility mark crucial hours.
Let statesmanship grow from this nation’s need,
Let citizenship be equal to these days,
That godly men who gave their lives indeed
Be not betrayed by dull, indifferent ways
Let joyfulness, not wildness mark the free,
That God may find us worth our liberty!
By Betty W. Staffel
Let there be prayers as well as great parades,
Let hymns combine with patriotic songs,
Let there be leaders of the future days,
With heroes of the past amid the throngs.
Let reverent silence punctuate the noise,
Let God be praised for this great land of ours,
Let sober meditation balance joys
And grave humility mark crucial hours.
Let statesmanship grow from this nation’s need,
Let citizenship be equal to these days,
That godly men who gave their lives indeed
Be not betrayed by dull, indifferent ways
Let joyfulness, not wildness mark the free,
That God may find us worth our liberty!
Taken from ”America, My Country” published by Ideals publication
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