Be still my beating heart! - I was so surprised and thrilled with all the visitors I had come to "The Shed".
I want to thank each and every one of you, who took time out of your busy day to come and visit with me. Your comments warmed my heart and were so greatly appreciated.
The 25th happened to be my birthday, and Sir Knight and I always head out to Bristol Wisconsin, for the Bristol Renaissance Faire. Haven't missed it in 7 years now. We both enjoy our time spent there in the 16th century - rubbing shoulders with Good Queen Bess, members of her court, and brave knights at the Joust.
We left a little later on Friday than Sir Knight would have liked - because I just had to visit a few of the wonderful studios before we left - but he took it in his stride. Our reservations at the Motel were checked and double checked to make sure that they had internet access so that I would not miss too much of the fun and merriment of this blog party. I did experience some difficulty leaving messages for some of you. I would type it all out list that I had a google account and poof - nothing - it never posted, never did anything but sit there on my computer. I presumed there was something wrong with my laptop - so I even tried it on the motels computer and still nothing. I tried again when I got home late Sunday and it was the same thing. So if you came and visited me and I appear to be totally lacking in social good graces and have not replied to you, I do apologize. I did try. I even tried to send a few of you an e-mail. Just not sure if you received them or if they went into your junk folder.
Once again I want to thank each and every one of you for the visit and the kind words.
This morning I went to a few Garage Sales and although it was not a real prosperous day I did find a few doilies that I liked - so I brought them home, washed them up and then applied Heavy starch to them so they hold up for the little project I had in mind.
good morning Penny, pleased to meet you. my first visit to your blog and I will return, love what you are doing with the doilies, thanks for entering my give away.
Hi Penny - thanks for stopping by to visit this morning. I can see we are kindred spirits - I am off to my craftroom in a few minutes - after yard sales this morning. I found a round aqua suitcase to fussy up - a pair of white baby shoes to foof - some vintage glass bottles to BLING - and an old black iron chandelier - I think must be red for my craft room - not quite sure yet - any ideas! Have a wonderful week - Pink Hugs, Patti PS - I still LOVE your craft room!
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