The picture above is the before picture note large ugly computer desk (please excuse mess as I had been in there the evening before painting a few things while I watched a Jane Austin moviethon of different dvd's I rented from the library.

Here is the redo - note - how he turned the bookcase to the side to leave more room for his chair as he moved the desk off the wall and made it so he can see the Kitchen and/or the TV from his new vantage point. This change also opened up wall space , so he hung up his collection of tarot cards and some favorite pictures of his depicting the seven deadly sins.

The turning of the bookcase formed a little alcove in front of the closet which we both thought was rather nice. The bookcase holds History books - while the unit to the left holds our collection of DVD's. The Closet is full of our audio books and the old VCR tapes. I think it looks pretty good, don't you?
Good Morning Everyone,
And a very good morning it is. The sun is shining; which is very nice to see after two days of rain, tornadoes and whatever else Mother Nature felt like throwing at us.
This will be a rather short post, as I am once again trying to recover from some sort of virus Sir Knight brought home with him from work.
Any whooo - remember on May 9th when I told you Sir Knight decided to rearrange the library and get rid of the big, tall computer desk I had, which he detested. Well now that its all cleaned up and every thing is put away. I wanted to show you a few shots of how nice it looks.
Well I better get busy on finishing up my swap items, if I intend to get it finished by the send date.
Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine.
1 comment:
very nice job old man . pell let me rent him for the weekend plzzzzzzz . i promise i will feed and have him bathed by time he gets home lol . your #1 fan , big bro and food conisouer = durkee25
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