Hello everyone,
Well here it is Wednesday and I have a few thing that I want to share with you - but don’t look for them to be in any kind of order. How I address things is not by any priority scale - just how they pop into my head. So please bear with me.

On Sunday I finished my contribution to The Giant Traveling Post Card that my friend Dana started over at
Sinderella Design Studio. The theme of the project was: Make Art, Make Friends; and six artist signed up for the chance to work on a portion of the card and create one awesome piece of work. On Monday I put it in the mail to make its way back to its home base. Yep I was the last one- that is an awesome responsibility and one I hope I met - pretty ballsy for a crazy crafter to be the last. While I can’t share the picture with you till Dana gets things in order and sends all of us our combined journal - with a copy of the finished piece. - I can give you a little peek into my part.

I made an object of nature on which I wanted to showcase - a favorite art quote of mine. To give it texture and depth - I used paper clay.(my new best friend in the craft room). The clay when dry is pretty near as durable as any other clay - but what it has going for it is - it is so light weight.; therefore adds no extra weight when mailing things around the country. It’s sand able, paint able and a lot of fun to play with; I’m hooked.

This morning the UPS guy paid me a visit and I was thrilled to get a wonderful box of goodies. Back during the Practical Magic Party I happened to win a few give a way’s and these awesome soaps and gifties was one of them. Believe me the smell of these soaps is enchanting and so intoxicating. - I love them and wont they look wonderful set in a leaf shaped dish in the bathroom for Thanksgiving. These extraordinary items were from my friend Willow. Please check out her wonderful blog:
Wandering in the Woods with the Little Green Witch and her friends etsy store where she purchased the soaps from.
etsy store: The Fairy Apothecary.
I’ve been busy rearranging my craft room again. I don’t know about the rest of you - but Mine seems to be a constant work in progress. The more I work in it - the more I think - I need this or that so I can do one thing or the other more efficiently. Or sometimes my ideas spring to mind as my dear Genghis Khat - stretches his legs more and more and starts to play with things he’s not suppose to be playing with.
Last Sat. I went to another Estate Auction and scored a plethora of little shelves that I knew I could make room for in my craft room. (“Yes Sir Knight I realize I don’t have much wall left - but all five of these shelves were only $1.00. How could I pass them up?”) Sometimes I think he goes along with helping me to put them up just to prove to me that I was wrong. - But this time I did good and all the shelves are up and holding some of my treasure which were mixed in with my craft stuff.

I also bought a sturdy cute little knick knack cabinet- that will fit on my shelf and hopefully offer some protection for my unicorns from Genghis’s prying paw. But I have not finished painting it and I want to put some wallpaper on the back - so that will have to wait for another post.

I also bought the cutest picture - it’s frame old and broken up. Not really sure how old it is - I thought maybe from the 1920’s or 1930’s - to me it is kind of Art Deco or Art Nouveau and I fell in love with this fairy as soon as I saw her. The aging picture was torn and wrinkled so she is now resting in my cedar chest - but first, I scanned her into my computer and ran her into my photo restoration software - then feeling a bit in need of some whimsy - I also altered her color and saturation. So my black and white photo is now in shades of teal and white and hangs proudly by my Drayd Tree and all my other fairies.
My Peter Rabbit Calendar on my desk top tells me it’s only 45 days till Christmas; I need to be getting into the Christmas mood and really get serious about my holiday crafting- I have made a few holiday cards and working on a few presents- but that doesn’t even begin to accomplish all the things I want to do.
How about you? Are you almost ready for the holidays- or are you going into stress mode like me?