Hello Everyone,
I was busy this week doing some old time crafting for the
Sew Loquacious Blog Party:
Rewind Week 1970's.

After I joined I kind of panicked - as I racked my brain trying to figure out what to make.
While out antiquing -I found the answer to my prayers. A Christmas Craft book, published in the early seventies. I was sure to find something there. I wanted to try something I had never done before - and since I never was any good at tying knots - I knew macramé was out. I came across an ornament - that was done with needle weaving. - and it looked like it was achievable. So I gathered my supplies and got to work.

I have to say that trying to weave these small bands inside the hoops was a bit difficult for my poor old arthritic hand - but I kept at it. And I am kind of thrilled with the way it turned out.
Like I said it was suppose to be an ornament - but as I did my weaving - I kept seeing a witch ball.
Maybe - it’s because I was watching “Practical Magic” as I worked on it . So that is what I proceeded to make it into.

A bit more frou-frou's than would have been added in the seventies - but I like it.

What do you think?
Angela, also asked that as part of our post we give our impressions of the 70's.
To me the seventies arrived with no more fan fare than any other era. I was in my twenties and looking forward to making my mark on the world, but it never happened.
I didn't realize it till I sat down to write this piece that my memories of the seventies are marked with personal sadness and some tender feelings that still cause anxiety and hurt today. -I got married in 71 had my son in 73 and was divorced by 74. Worked hard the rest of the seventies as a single mother supporting a child. Had little time for television or clubbing to disco's or any of the fun things that made the seventies the seventies. so suffice to say the seventies passed in a blur of obligations and I wasn't to sad to see them go.
Enough said about that.
So Let me show you a few things - I did in the seventies - to pass time and decorate my home.

This is the crib set - I made from stamped cross stitch for my sons crib. I was always a Bambi fan so I even made matching bibs. By the time his crib was converted to a big boys bed - he had a similar set but with the Sesame Street Gang.

I got started on making these daisy afghans and I couldn't seem to stop. I made one in every color imaginable and gifted every member of the family with one.

I found Quilling in the early seventies and I fell in love with making these dainty little things.
The large candle is the first one I ever made and is definitely a bit rough - as you can tell - the more I practiced the better I got. and the pieces got smaller - yet more detailed.
Well that all I got for now- hope you enjoyed playing in the Seventies with me.