Life is a strange place for an anal retentive, detail oriented, obsessive person, like myself - who also has a proclivity for procrastination.
I just love sitting in my studio, messing and creating all kinds of things. And I do losing track of time, forgetting to eat; but happy as a lark.
On the other hand - I love a clean house - A place for everything and everything in its place; That's my motto. I love dusting, vacuuming, ironing - the whole idea of house cleaning.
In an ideal world - I would have the brains and warewithal to be able to harmoniously mix and combine these two obsessions; so that my life runs oh so smoothly.
In my world however - these two obsessions seem to be in a constant state of up heavel and working against each other. When I'm busy creating - dishes sit in the sink, laundry stacks up, Genghis shed's enough hair to stuff a pillow- the dust can become thick enough to write a novel in and the silver tarnishes before my very eyes - Yet I notice nothing.
But as soon as my project is done I become a women possessed; the great Banshee has nothing on me, I wail and moan as I notice all the things that happened while I was creating and I immediately go into house cleaning mode. I can not even begin to think of beginning another project - while my house is such a wreck.
So on and on it goes - a circle of creating - than house cleaning - than creating, and so on as if in a hall of mirrors looking in and seeing that moment in endless repetition.
So what phase am I in now? Well I finished up my trading cards and other misc projects, and have been in cleaning mode ever since.
I was ready to start into my next project on Monday - but I decided to take a day off and go to Bingo with my son and his fiance.
And so started the week from he**.
Didn't win at bingo - but didn't really expect to.

When they left - I was going to start sewing on my new projects, outfits for my class I will do for the high school students -Shakespeare's England. And guess what? My sewing machine was not in working order. So that project which needs to be done by April 15th is on hold, while I wait for my machine to be repaired.
To make matters worse - I got a whopper of a case of the stomach flu Monday after my son left - so I haven't even taken the machine in yet.
I am stressed to the max and it's only Wed.