And a glum raining morning it is here in my portion of the Midwest to escort the Fall season in.
The Garage sale is over and I must say we felt it was a success. Sunday and Monday were spent cleaning up the garage and packing up what didn’t sell to take it to the Goodwill. We also donated the grandchildren’s outgrown Renaissance outfits which did not sell to our Middle School. They do Medieval Days - in 6th grade when they study the middle ages and the feudal system. They have a big feast and everyone is suppose to come in costume - but not all the children bother, so they like to keep items on hand to provide for those who don’t come prepared.
All that work and time on my feet really took a lot out of an old Lady Like me; so I rested all last evening and am feeling much better today..
I’m a little late with this post as Tolkien Week started on Sunday and here it is Tuesday but better late than never, right? Today Tuesday the 22 of September is important in its own right as It is designated as Hobbit Day and is on Bilbo’s and Frodo’s mutual birthday .

If you haven’t read it you should.
The new movie version of “The Hobbit” done by the same movie company who did the Lord of the Rings trilogy is due to go into production in 2010 - and in the theaters in 2011.
Mom LOVES the LOTR trilogy! She even has The Hobbit, which she is now going to start to read, then read the trilogy. She has the movies too! Ain't nothing like transporting to Middle Earth!
Hey, Ghengis Khan, thanks for letting us know you still have your garage. Wonder why humans have a garage sale but don't sell the garage?
Boy, are we tired. Jan has been keeping us up during our naptime. We called you Genghis Khan and you're Genghis Khat. 20 lashes with a feather duster for us. Sorry.
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