I decided early in life that of all the things I wanted- what I wanted most of all was to be Happy.
So I choose a happy healthy philosophy to live by, I made it a point to avoid toxic people if at all possible and to keep track of the good things only that happen to me. I was doing pretty good at it too.
So when burnout hit me after many year of being a geriatric nurse I knew I had to do something -the mail arrived with this brochure and I knew - I found an answer.

Oh my gosh I came back from that conference so supper charged and revitalized - all I could talk about was clowns and clowning around. I ministered to my patients during the day and at night I devoured every book I could get my hands on about how to be a clown.
Being a person who believes in the fine art of education - I decided that what I really needed was to go to Clown Camp and get real help in my quest. So plans where made and the wheels were set in gear for me to head to La Cross Wisconsin the following summer.
But lets break here - I'll tell you more tomorrow.
Till then I made up this little word search for you.( Just one of the perks of having a teachers software for making games & puzzles) Just make it bigger, save and print. Have fun.

"A smile is a light on your face that lets people know your heart is home." - Unknown
"People crave laughter as if it were an essential amino acid." - Patch Adams
We are overjoyed that you found your clowning I mean calling in life! We will come back often to read more of the happy story.
When we look at the sky and see the stars and a little finger nail moon...that is the Lord smiling down on us.
Love Miss Peach
Oh this is a very interesting story! Isn't it amazing how the Lord will always lead us in the right direction?
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