Oh man guys, - I am sooooooo excited. - When we started planning my studio craft room one of the things we tossed around was to have a tree by the shoe box. It started out being a hall tree in the shape of a real tree where we would hang light coats and hats.That would certainly work in a garden theme right? Then fantasy and imagination started to take hold and it was going to be a tree with a greenman plaque on it. And then all of a sudden fantasy escalated into full gear and in our minds eye we saw a tree, Dryads (tree spirits) and a place where my little fairy ornaments could fly free. We faced a speed bump, since neither of us draw that well, but we refused to lose the vision. So with the help of our local high school's, art teacher we continued to fantasize. Well Kathy finished drawing the tree on our piece of plywood right before school let out for the summer; but Sir Knight's schedule was on overload for the summer, so our tree patiently sat in the garage.
On Monday of this past week Sir Knight started moving things around in the garage - I thought he was starting to clean things up for our upcoming garage sale- But nope - the old dryad must have given him a sharp kick, because he started in on the tedious job of liberating our tree from all the rest of the excess plywood.

When he finished that he set to work wood burning a few details into our tree and then started to paint it. (If you enlarge the picture you will get a better view of the faces.) And this morning before we left to go to one of our favorite flea markets - he hung it on the wall. Yeah!!!!!!!

And since I have no patience -I immediately started to unleash my two fairies and a dryad birdhouse I had. Sir Knight being the gentleman that he is, of course, hung them on the tree for me ASAP. (He knew I'd harp him to no end if he didn't. ) But it was so sweet that I didn't have too.

The finished look.

While at the Flea Market - I happened to find a treasure that completes me. Well not me - but a set I had . You see way back many years ago when I lived in this very big - three story Victorian home, I had a beautiful Pitcher and Bowl set, which occupied a place of honor in my guest room. I loved that set. When I left the fellow I was engaged to and moved out of the house - I took my set with me. However, It didn't last as a set too much longer - for during our move, my dear son, decided to use the riding mower with its cart to bring stuff from the storage shed to the new house. The bowl apparently did not care for the rather bumpy ride and broke into lots & lots of pieces. It was repaired but it never looked as good.

So imagine my surprise when I happen to come across a poor desolate bowl which could have been my bowls twin. It was in very good shape - but was missing his pitcher. (oh, poor thing) What a deal only $6.00. Sir Knight was not as sure as I, that this bowl would match - but for the price figured it would certainly look better than my patched up one. So we brought it home to live with us.

What do you think? Match- No Match? You really cant see from the picture but the dark browns are almost a perfect match and both pieces have the same brown spattering effect.
I am so thrilled - It has been a super remarkable day.
I Hope you all have a super remarkable day this weekend also.
1 comment:
They are a defenite match! great find!!!
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