Hello Everyone,
Wow, It has been one busy day here at my house. I've been busy washing comforters and hanging them on the line; trying to get them ready for the change of season ahead.
Sir Knight canned a few pints of tomato sauce. Our tomatoes are coming in a bit weird this year probably because of all the weird hot humid weather. We have tomato the size of softballs - but they don't ripen very fast.
In between these other jobs we are trying to rearrange my craft room to accommodate my new desk. What new desk you ask? Well you see a couple weeks back; one of those really hot muggy days we were having - we went to our favorite auction. I keep telling Sir Knight that it had to be the heat that made me do it -
cuz he no longer believes me when I say the devil made me do it.

bought this roll top desk for $5.00. What a
bargain right? Yea, it was flawed, like the roll top didn't always come down catching on something inside and it's desk top was really really scratched up - but hey it was only $5.00.
Sir Knight was not a happy camper since it fell to him to get this extremely heavy desk home.
But with the help of our youngest
grandson -they managed to get it in a borrowed truck and home to our garage..
After many hot hours spent there in his workshop he transformed my ugly duckling into a working beauty.

Of course we have now had to rearrange my craft room to get it in here - but I am just
soooo thrilled. I love it.
I am now working hard to fill the drawers and
cubbies and get myself organized. (Note I did preface that by saying; trying)
Of course nothing comes or goes from this house that the
snooperviser doesn't check out - so here he is. To me his face kind of mimics Sir Knight's, saying: I know it looks nice in here but why did you need another desk?
Blissful ATC Swap is coming to a close for this month - so since my partner received her card I can show them to you. The theme was food and my partner for this swap was Jennifer over at
Altered Spirit and this is the card she made for me. So cute and a great Jane Austin quote as well and all neatly enclosed in an apple pie
recipe. Thank you so much Jen. I really love it.
This is the first card I made - I'm a person of rather
eclectic taste - and my card kind of reflect my unique point of view. I chose a black & white damask
card stock paper as my base (I felt it served as my tablecloth) added a small
Campbell's soup label I removed
from some play food toys we had from the grands when they were young. I added an image of a grandma
caring her soup
tereen in vellum. Sort of like a shadow of all the moms and
grand moms in the past who served soup. I then added my spoon - also a toy and added the alphabet pasta letters. The letters on the soup puddle I left natural and spelled
ATC Swap - the letters on the spoon were applied over glitter glue to give it a wet look I colored with orange marker to look like the tomato broth that is the basis of Vegetable Soup. and spelled food. Then I added a little color to the bowl of the spoon to look like they just set it down -after eating.
I had found some really cute retro - ladies in some of my mom's old cookbooks - that just didn't fit on my first card - So I made a second, which is not exactly food but rather cooking themed.
I did this card digitally and I added it to a pink background to keep that retro feel going.
I thought it came out kind of cute.
I also participated in a swap over at Teresa's Blog:
The Altered Paper.
The theme was Lady in a Hat.
This is the card I made.
Using plain white
card stock as my base I added
tissue paper that had roses printed on it. I added a burgundy background in which I
had punched the
corners. Then I added my young lady and
embellished her hat with feathers and vintage paper flowers.
I thought that one turned out quite lovely.
Well, break times over, and I have to get back to working on this room.