Creative Researcher Of New Experiences

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sticky Note Tuesday

Hello everyone,
Wow It seems funny to be posting again. - I know its only been a week or so since I last posted - but it must have been a real long week.

Anyway - today is Sticky Note Tuesday and since this particular sticky note is about art - I thought it was a great way to share this months ATC Swap items.

The theme for this month was Lets Go to the Movies. And boy that was kind of a tough one - I had so many good movies I wanted to make an ATC about - but which one should I do?

This is the ATC I received from my swap partner Shelly over at Stamping Out SAD. How cool is this? - Sir Knight and I love the Harry Potter Books and Movies. When I ripped open the envelope and saw those three familiar faces I started doing the happy dance and jumping up and down; of course Sir Knight had to come in the room and check on me to make sure I was OK. He saw the card and was impressed. (Of all the cards I've received since I've been swapping this is the first one he want to make a frame for.)

Now here is the cool part - Shelly engineered the card so that when you pulled on the clip -
Only Harry and his monogram shows - along with the words written on the school wall from the Movie "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" That is just so cool.

Shelly also blessed me with two of the most beautiful cards I've seen . Thank you so much Shelly. You made my heart and body jump with joy.

This is the Card I made for Shelly - I started by browsing the web looking for a picture of a Movie Theater with some character. I found this one (which happens to be for sale, if anyone is interested.) I Photoshopped out the for sale information in the Marque and added my Theme words, Let's Go to the Movies. I sized it to fit the required ATC size and printed it out. Applied it to my ATC card and then cut it down the Middle. On the backside of each of those halves I applied some scrapbook paper that to me looked like old fashioned wallpaper. Then I put Movie Posters from my all time favorite movie - Gone with the Wind - one from it's 1939 and 1961 releases.

From one of my digital scrap booking programs I found the theater interior and the film strip.I combined the two together - sized it to business card size - as that was the closest size that particular program had. Scanned in the pictures of my cast and sized them down to fit within the film frames. added my theater insides, to another ATC card covered with the same scrap book paper, to once again look like vintage wallpaper and added the two tickets one for Shelly and one for me. I linked the three pieces together with some gold O rings.

I think it turned out kind of cool.

Hope everyone is having a great week.



Brian's Home Blog said...

That's very creative!!! Movies are fun, especially if there's popcorn involved!

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Hello Pellie,
you are oh so creative! Love all the cards.
Best greetings, Johanna

Magaly Guerrero said...

How absolutely cool! I love Harry Potter and this is such an artistic way to play around with the characters ;-)

Healing Woman said...

It turned out more than kind of cool. It's really, really great!