Good to see all you guys - Pellie hasn’t been on the computer much lately - so It has been near impossible to find time to post.
I worked so hard all day yesterday snoopervising, Pellie and Sir Knight, that I'm just bushed - think I'll rest today and take a little nap.
Hello Sweet Friends,
The air is cool and crisp leaving no doubt that fall is just around the corner. Like most animals living in areas that enjoy four seasons; we have already begun the flurry of activities necessary for hunkering down for the winter. The canning is finished - the freezer inventoried and a list made of what is needed to fill it up - A trip to Sam’s Club is usually set for mid-October.
The furnace is to be cleaned and ready for it’s warming job during the winter. The garden cleared and put to bed for it’s winter nap.
Winter apparel (which we so happily shed in spring ) is - being scrutinized for wearability and being cleaned or discarded as necessary. Shopping for needed items is then to be done as soon as possible
The light airy curtains and window coverings are being washed and packed away till next spring, while the heavier - more winter appropriate things are being aired out and freshened up and made ready to fill the house with their comforts.
Next on my list is planning my winter reading and craft projects - and gathering the supplies necessary - so all is ready when I am. Anyone have any ideas - to suggest for either category?
All this activity going on and yet Genghis plays. It is a good thing that us lowly ants - love that little grasshopper and will share the fruits of our hard work with him.
Now that's a mighty fine looking pirate! Hey, don't rush that burr weather, I don't like that cold stuff!
Garrr that be an exciting dream, but are you sure it really was a dream? How did you get salt water on your paws if it was just a dream?
You crack me up...your mind must tick-tock away like mine. With cats that meow like a pirate and my Sadie Mae dancing in her fancy is good with a furry friend by our side.
I'm on the road to recovery...ha...I'm going to work for Michaels to start a new craft addiction...yikes! Way too fun. Just holiday help but boss says she just might keep me!
Life has been good for the most part. I've had a month off work and I've cleaned every corner of the homestead including the yard. Baby frogs have arrived in my Gnomeland by the hundreds...adorable little fellas.
Trying to keep life simple, I've had an arm bothering me and I was so stressed and exhausted coming out of the stupid huge corporate job...glad I booted that in the butt even if it meant a slide down the moonbeam for income.
Love to you, thanks for listening to my chatter. Come visit me again soon...I owe you a letter...a personal one. Hope you got my general letter in the mail.
Smiles from my heart to yours, Jacqueline
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