Here is a sweet little card I made for a friends Birthday - which I somehow missed.Hello everyone,
Remember when Genghis told you about sweet little Snickers, the cat we cat- sat for a friend. Well besides acting like the Great Banshee of Legend it seems our little visitor was a hotbed of disease. She was sneezing a little when she was here - but I thought maybe she was just allergic to something around the house here. Boy was I wrong. Soon Genghis was coughing, sneezing, listless and not eating and so we took him to the vet; much to his chagrin. He was put on Medication and has passed the worst of it . Yea!!!!
Another card - this one for a friend who just bought a new house.But guess what? - - - now it’s my turn.
Since Genghis was a real trooper and posted even when he wasn’t feeling well - (when we were busy canning ) - I would feel amiss if I didn’t at least post a few pretties- I had been working on - before I started feeling icky.

This is the picture that Gail over at Mind wide Open gave us for the September Challenge.
The word prompt was - Endings.

Here is what I made. My Idea was that Endings are always the start of New Beginnings; and while we may look back at the past - we must move ahead and be ready to savor the new adventures ahead.
On September 9th, Gail will have all the projects up and ready to be voted on. So if your not too busy - please do hop on over there to
Mind Wide Open and vote for the piece that speaks to your soul.
And on the 7th day
By Colleen Lambert
My nose is red…my eyes a mess…I feel so awful bad.
This is simply be…the worst cold I’ve had!
*Sneeze* Gesundheit! God Bless Me.
Why can’t this be an allergy?
My throat is parched, my lips are dry., I need some TLC.
Bring on the chicken soup real hot…a cup of herbal tea!
I’d like to be so pampered, and to ask is just outrageous…
Because I know this cold of mine has left me all contagious.
Sniffle, Honk, I’m all stuffed up, so please don’t make an issue
If I ask ya oh-so-nice to hand me a tissue.
I’m gonna keep myself in bed until my breathing’s clear,
No sneezing, wheezing gasping breath I ever want to hear!
I wouldn’t wish this rotten cold on any friend of mine.
Now where’s my robe and jammies, and fuzzy slippers too?
My books and Pillows, juice and meds…Uhuh …Achoo!!
Sneeze and sniffle.. God Bless Me! I feel so awful sick
I wish these seven days would pass …and get me better quick.
Well that kind of sums it up for me. --I sure hope Sir Knight doesn’t fall victim to this Upper Respiratory Infection too -- Who would take care of me? sniff, sniff