Hello Dear Friends,
Here it is New Years Eve 2009, we are having a quiet little celebration at home just Sir Knight, Genghis and myself. But before the New Year gets here I wanted to take a few minutes to remember all my friends and wish you the very best for 2010.
This is my wish for you
By Charles Livingston Snell (1914)
This is my wish for you.
That the spirit of beauty
May continually
Hover about you
And fold
You close within
the tendernesses
Of her wing.
That each
And gracious
Thing in life
May be unto you
As a symbol
Of good for your
Soul’s delight.
That Sun - glories
Star - glories
Leaf -glories
Bark - glories
Flower - glories
& glories
That lurk
In the grasses
Of the field
Glories of mountains
& Oceans
Of little streams
Of running
Glories of Song
Of poesy
Of all
The arts
May be to you
As sweet, abiding
That will illumine
Your life
And make you glad.
That your soul
May be as
An alabaster cup,
Filled to
Overflowing with
The mystical wine
Of beauty
And love.
That happiness
May put
Her arms
Around you,
And wisdom
Your soul serene.
This is
My wish
For you.
I don't make list of resolutions, nope never have. I know that the best way to make things impossible for me to follow up on is to put pen to ink and then to paper - making them a chore.
So I refuse to set myself up for failure. Instead I found these wonderful things to remember and I will strive to remember them throughout this next year.
Things to remember:
....Marshal Field
1. The worth of character;
2. The improvement of talent;
3. The influence of example;
4. The joy of origination;
5. The dignity of simplicity;
6. The success of perseverance.
Hoping you all have a safe and happy New Year filled with more laughter than tears.